Marathon, Ultramarathon, and Triathlon Training

Online training from an experienced coach to help you reach your running and triathlon goals.

My approach

Most people entering the endurance races don’t have the know-how to train for and successfully complete the race while staying injury free, and there are a lot of unknowns for them going into the race. The fear of the unknown and probability of failing is high (some races can have 40% completion rates). I provide a 16 week training plan that includes strength training as well as race and nutrition strategies to be confident that you will be successful when you’re toeing that starting line.

Weekly Athlete Check-ins

Programs include weekly check-in calls with me to make sure your body is adjusting well to the training or if adjustments need to be made.

Strength Training

Strength training is an important part to maintaining a balanced body and staying injury free. Running/triathlon specific strength training is included in every program.

Coaching Options

  • 16 Week Progam

  • 12 Week Program

  • Month-to-Month

Get started with Next Level Fitness, book a complimentary call with Jenna today.